Birthdates of Dad's 11 children as recorded in his bible (in Quadruplet bought the summer of 1952).
Click here to birthdates of Dad, his father and mother, the name of the doctor, etc. from Dad's Baby Book!
Birth Certificate of August Hugo Bach, born 7 AM June 30, 1873, which Catherine obtained from Germany.
See our linkage to Adam and Eve through the Irish Kings. Did you know this?!!!
Click to see Dad's 4-generation pedigree chart!
Click to see Dad's 9-generation pedigree chart!
Click to go to Dad's page!
Click here to go to page with Dads parents and siblings!
Burial information
Family GEDCOM and other files.
FamilySearch Internet Genealogy Service: Go here to search for ancestors, or download Personal Ancestery File (PAF) free software (Click on "ORDER FAMILY HISTORY RESOURCES)!
Genealogy Toolbox Resources here include a list of over 70,000 links to genealogical resources on the Internet, informative news and articles on family history research, a guide to genealogical software, pages for posting research questions (now containing over 100,000 queries), a genealogical bookstore, and a site to register your genealogical home page with several Internet genealogy indexes.
Heywood, Martha Spence Excerpts on trepidation to marry, success following faith, birth of J. Neal Heywood Sr. (Dad's greatgrandfather) in Salt Creek, etc.
Heywood, Mary Heywood Lewis Riggs, click to go to her 95th birthday "bash" and see some statistics of descendants as well as photos!
Mathers, Jane This account of Jane by Aunt Ruth Savage Hilton does not talk about Jane's first marriage to Edward (or "Edwin"> Milo Webb in the Nauvoo Temple. Later when I put together and HTML page with this account, I shall give and write more. But this is a great account. Meanwhile, here is a thumbnail. Jane was married to E. M Webb in the Nauvoo Temple. The first wife and older woman was Carloline Owens. You will want to read this interesting story of why we are Savages, and not Webbs.
Eliza R. Snow wrote a poem for Jane Mathers' funeral, "On Death of Mrs. Jane Savage". Above the poem is a picture of Ruth, Alvenia, and maybe Joe Savage who are Jane's grandchildren. The little girl is Mary Heywood, daughter of Alvenia and born in 1911. This picture and poem were sent to me February 14, 2011 by Robert H. Lewis, Mary's son.
Savage, Levi Mathers This is the Diary of LMS comprising his trip back to visit his mother's (Jane Mathers) relatives who did not join the Church. His accounting is heartwarming and very interesting.
Savage, Levi, Junior and father of Levi Mathers Savage. I scanned this is from the Diary of LS,Jr comprising his unselfish and noble service to a group of saints, many of whom felt they had the "Spirit", but were very sadly mistaken! Also there is the tribute that Elder (later, President) Joseph Fielding Smith, then Church Historian, made after quoting the words of LS,Jr as recorded by John Chislett, "What I have said I know to be true; but seeing you are to go forward, I will go with you, will help all I can, will work with you, will rest with you, and if necessary, will die with you. May God in his mercy bless and preserve us." JFS's tribute, "These were noble sentiments worthy of place in the archives of time."Also contained is a link to Wikipedia Encyclopedia sent to me by Jeannette de Gaston Hilton which has much valuable information.
Family Reunions

David, Daniel, and Alex
Catherine, Jeannine, Sharleen, Lorena, Anne, Jeannette, and Erica

Jackie, Lorena, Daniel, Sharleen, Me, Erica, David, Jonathan, and Melanie
