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These search terms have been highlighted:  women  exposure  social  smoking  second  hand  death  rate 

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Women, Girls
and Tobacco
For decades, the tobacco industry has targeted women and girls with its marketing and advertising, with disastrous
consequences for women's health. As a result, 165,000 women die of tobacco-caused disease each year. Since 1987, lung
cancer has been the leading cancer killer among women. Heart disease is the overall leading cause of death among women,
and smoking accounts for one out of every five deaths from heart disease. For many of the diseases caused by smoking,
research has shown that women are more at risk than men. And women also suffer gender-specific risks from tobacco,
including harm to their reproductive health and complications during pregnancy.
Smoking among both men and women decreased gradually as the dangers of smoking became widely known. However,
smoking rates have hardly declined at all in the last ten years; and women ­ who once smoked at half the rate of men ­ are
now almost as likely to smoke as men. Recent increases in smoking by high school girls suggest that the problem may
worsen. Gender differences in the cultural and social influences on smoking, consumption patterns, health effects, and
responses to tobacco marketing and promotion require that tobacco use among women be considered separately from
general discussions on the topic. Smoking by women is a serious, widespread public health problem that must be
Twenty-two percent of American adult women are current smokers, compared to 26 percent of men. Caucasian and
African American women smoke in roughly equal proportions (23% vs. 21%). American Indian women (38%) smoke
at much higher rates, while much smaller proportions of Hispanic (13%) and Asian (10%) women smoke.
Smoking prevalence is higher among women with 9-11 years of education (32.9%) than women with 13-15 years of
education (22.8%) and three times higher than women with 16 or more years of education (11.2%)
In 1997, smoking among female high school seniors reached a 19-year high of 35.2 percent, declining to 29.7 percent
in 2000.
A report published by the
American Journal of Public Health
shows that girls have an easier time buying cigarettes than
boys, even at the youngest ages.
Smoking among girls and young women has increased dramatically in the 1990s. From 1991 to 1999, smoking among high
school girls increased from 27 to 34.9 percent. Altogether in the United States, more than 22 million adult women and 1.5
million girls currently smoke, putting their health at significant risk.
Cardiovascular Disease:
Cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks and strokes, is the overall leading cause of death
among women, and smoking accounts for one of every five deaths from cardiovascular disease. Altogether, cardiovascular
disease kills more than half a million women each year, more than the next 14 causes of death combined. Women who
smoke are two to six times as likely to suffer a heart attack as non-smoking women, and women smokers have a higher
risk of developing cardiovascular disease than men do.
Lung Cancer:
Lung cancer is the leading cancer killer among women, and smoking causes 82% of all lung cancer cases
among women. Lung cancer death rates among women increased by more than 400% between 1960 and 1990. By 1987,
lung cancer had passed breast cancer as the leading cause of cancer deaths among women. Women who smoke at the same
rate as men are also at greater risk of developing lung cancer than men.
421 East Dunklin Street ~ P.O. Box 1684
Jefferson City, Missouri 65102
Toll Free in MO: (877) 426-9284 ~ Phone: (573) 751-0810 ~ Fax: (573) 751-8835
Web Site: ~ E-mail: [email protected]
DWD-WC-15 (4-02)

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Other Cancers:
Smoking causes 30% of all cancer deaths. Smoking is a known cause of cancer of the lung, larynx, oral
cavity and esophagus and has been associated with bladder, kidney, pancreatic and stomach cancer. Women smokers have
an increased risk of cervical and vulvar cancer.
Reproductive Health:
The reproductive side effects of smoking include menstrual problems, reduced fertility and
premature menopause. Smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke among pregnant women are a major cause of
spontaneous abortions, stillbirths and sudden infant death syndrome and increase the risk of low birth weight babies and
health and development problems of children born to these women. Nevertheless, an estimated 20% of pregnant women
Ultimately, women also have a more difficult time quitting smoking than men. They have lower cessation rates, and girls
and women aged 12-24 are more likely to report being unable to cut down on smoking than men and boys the same age.
­ Source: Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, Washington, DC
Missouri Women and Girl Smokers
Tobacco Use in Missouri
While adult smoking has generally been decreasing
throughout the country in recent years, these declines have
slowed or stopped. Although national underage smoking
rates have finally declined slightly after peaking in 1997,
they remain at historically high levels.
High school students who smoke
Male high school students who use
smokeless or spit tobacco
Number of kids (under 18) who become
new daily smokers each year
Kids exposed to secondhand smoke at home 352,000
Percentage of cigarettes bought or
smoked by kids in Missouri each year
Deaths in Missouri from Smoking
Smoking kills more people than alcohol, AIDS, car
crashes, illegal drugs, murders, and suicides combined ­
and thousands more die from other tobacco-related causes
­ such as fires caused by smoking (more than 1,000
deaths/year nationwide), exposure to second hand smoke
(more than 50,000 deaths), and smokeless tobacco use.
Unfortunately, no good estimates are currently available
for the number of Missouri citizens who die from these
other tobacco-related causes, or for the much larger
numbers who suffer from tobacco-related health problems
each year without actually dying.
Number of people who die each year
in Missouri from smoking
Number of Missouri kids now under 18
who will die from smoking (if current
trends continue
Tobacco Related Monetary Costs
Additional health care expenditures caused by tobacco use
include other costs from direct exposure to second hand
smoke, smoking-caused fires, and spit tobacco use.
Although these additional health expenditures certainly
total in the tens of millions of dollars in Missouri, and
increase the Missouri government's Medicaid burden,
there are no good state estimates currently available. Other
non-health costs caused by tobacco use include direct
residential and commercial property losses from fires
caused by smoking (more than $500 million nationwide);
work productivity losses from